Life Changing Lessons from Steve Jobs
So, 2021 threw me into the whirlwind of new mom life, postpartum blues, and a quest for self-discovery. In the chaos, I stumbled upon some timeless wisdom from Steve Jobs in his Stanford Commencement speech. Let me break down the three stories he spun and how they shook up my take on life and personal growth.
1️⃣ You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards
Steve was all about trusting that life's dots will connect in hindsight. Dropped out of college, sat in a calligraphy class - seemingly unrelated stuff. Fast forward to the future, he took this knowledge when he was working on different fonts for the mac computer. I thought back to my days as an executive assistant, managing calendars, budgets and events. Turns out, those skills set me on a path to becoming a certified project manager. Lesson learned: Do what you love, follow your gut, and trust the dots to fall into place when you least expect it.
2️⃣ Love and Loss
The second story was a rollercoaster of love and loss. Spent two decades at a Fortune 500 company and then, bam! It ended. But, embracing the love and loss concept, I realized sometimes losing one thing is just the universe's way of opening a cooler door. In my case, it led me to a new gig, proving that life's wild turns can bring unexpectedly awesome experiences. Kind of like how Steve Jobs got fired from the company he created, only to come back stronger and create even more impact.
3️⃣ Confronting Mortality
Now, onto the heavy stuff - death and the urgency to live our best lives. Steve shared his cancer battle, pushing us to find our passion. Got me thinking - have I really chased my dreams? Back in 2015, I had this itch to start my own gig. Took me a while, but in 2020, amidst a pandemic, I jumped into the digital planning world, merging my love for paper with the tech groove.
In a nutshell, Steve's words became my life GPS. Today, as I spill my story, I hope it nudges you to connect your own dots, roll with the changes, and dive into your passions. Life's a wild ride, and the best part? Your story is still unfolding, and the good stuff is just around the corner.
🥂Cheers to growth
By the way….
The physical planners are on SALE